Curriculum + Products
Activity Library

Wayfinder Activity Library

Thousands of plug-and-play activities designed to increase student engagement and build healthy self-confidence. Prep time is 5 minutes or less + easily filter for what your students need.

Thousands of Quick and Fun Activities To Uplift Your Classroom

Why Our Schools Love The Wayfinder Activity Library

Easy to Implement - The digital format makes it easy to integrate Life Skills content with any class
Minimal Prep Time - Plug + play activities require 5 minutes or less prep time and fit any schedule
Customizable Experience - Thousands of activities, 100+ per grade level, are easily filtered to customize the experience for their students
Example activity called "Rock, Paper, Scissors Evolution"
Roadtrip Nation logo

We partner with Roadtrip Nation to get students excited about their futures

Based on 21st-century career development, Roadtrip Nation provides hundreds of interactive videos to encourage self-discovery and shows students career paths they may have never considered.
Image of a Roadtrip Nation video

Wayfinder and the Roadtrip Nation Experience Will:

Focus on storytelling driven by diverse student-centered vision. Every story and background adds richness to our culture.
Get students excited about their futures. 8 million households reached annually on public TV.
Learn about diverse road trip experiences, project-based courses and career exploration tools.

Deliver What Your Students Need

Find the right activity for your class in seconds. Choose from curated energizers, games, project ideas, journaling prompts, discussion questions, podcasts, videos, meditation recordings, and so much more.

Quickly Filter for What You Need

Filter by grade level, duration, activity type and more! Thousands of activities ensure you always have options.
Image of Becky Turner, Head of School at Sunnyvale Raynor Middle School
“The Activity Library creates more laughter during advisory time than I have ever heard before.”
Becky Turner
Head of School, Sunnyvale Raynor Middle School