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Wayfinder's 6 Core Skills

Wayfinder's research-backed six Core Skills incorporate future-ready skills in order to connect classroom learning to the real world.

Wayfinder's 6 Core Skills

The Six Core Skills for
Future-Ready Students

Wayfinder’s research-backed Core Skills incorporate meaning-making, critical thinking, and future-ready skills in order to connect classroom learning to the real world.
You understand yourself on many levels, from how you function to what nourishes and sustains you.
You are willing to try again when you make mistakes and are comfortable navigating uncertain situations with flexibility and openness.
You are in tune with the feelings and needs of others and willing to act for a common good.
You are a relationship-builder who actively partners with others and facilitates belonging efforts across communities.
You understand the value of your voice and seek opportunities to support and advance your communities.
Your decisions and interactions with the world are guided by a deep connection to your values.
“Durable human skills are precisely the skills that technology cannot displace and are critical to creating positive work environments."
V. Scott H. Solberg, PhD
Vice President for Research, Coalition for Career Development Center
Professor, Boston University Center for Future Readiness

Gain Actionable Insights on Core Skill Performance

Our intuitive future-ready skills assessment tool organizes student insights in one easy-to-use place — the Wayfinder app. View class performance for each core skill with beautifully designed graphs.